Saint Young Men

Title: Saint Young Men
Original Title: 聖おにいさん (Saint Oniisan)
Author: Nakamura Hikaru
Publisher: Morning KC
Category: Seinen
Genre: Slice of Life, Humor
Status in Japan: 7 volumes, ongoing
Scanlation Status: Abandoned
More Info: Baka Updates
Read Online: MangaDex

What if Jesus and Buddha were living on Earth in modern times? What if they shared an apartment in Japan? Saint Young Men is a humorous manga about the daily lives of Jesus and Buddha, with each chapter focusing on some element of modern life, such as Disneyland, rush hour on the train, Christmas, the public pool, carnivals, and more.

Volume 1 (10/31/12)


53 responses to “Saint Young Men”

  1. Mark Avatar

    Thanks for the releases you did for ths.

    1. admin Avatar

      You’re welcome. Hopefully there’ll be another one in a month or so. :)

  2. gatobus Avatar

    I’ll take a look, seems interesting. Thanks.

    1. admin Avatar

      Enjoy! :)

  3. Shabby Avatar

    Somebody recommended this title, so I downloaded all the chapters. :3

    1. admin Avatar

      Hope you enjoy it. :)

  4. Click Avatar

    Thank you for the scanlations!

    1. admin Avatar

      You’re welcome!

  5. Ralphy Avatar

    I absolutely adore this series and the translations have been spot on. I hope wholeheartedly hope more scanlations will be released in the future, even Jesus knows this series deserves it XD

    1. admin Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it. I have the next chapter partially done and hope to get it posted before the end of the year.

  6. taylynne Avatar

    I have the manga but I’m not fluent, so I enjoy the translations. I like the manga a lot it is pretty funny, so thanks for the hard work. I look forward to any more that you upload! :)

    1. admin Avatar

      I’m glad you’re enjoying it. :) I have ch. 7 partially done and hope to get it out before the end of the year.

  7. LieIncubus Avatar

    I need more SYM, please! щ (゚ Д ゚ щ)

    Hikaru Nakamura is a genius, I hooked up with SYM and now I read Arakawa Under the Bridge … His works are very good.

    Thank you for the scanlations! ^ ^

    1. admin Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it. :) I had hoped to have the next chapter our before Christmas, and then before the end of the year, but I was busier with the holidays than expected, so that didn’t happen. I am very near to getting it done, though, so expect it within the next week or two.

  8. bsbatman Avatar

    really appreciate your work. keep up the good work.

    1. admin Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it,

  9. Wild.Beauty Avatar

    Thanks for scanlating this. Please keep up the great work! Look forward to reading the next volume! ^_^

    1. admin Avatar

      I actually have Photoshop open and am working on it right now, so hopefully it won’t be too long.

  10. rin Avatar

    this is really good piece of maga and I really enjoy it!
    Thank you soo much for translating! :3

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks, glad you’re enjoying it. :)

  11. jia Avatar

    this seems like it’ll be a hilarious read
    shall give it a try!

    1. admin Avatar

      I hope you enjoy it. :)

  12. Yu Avatar

    Think of something to lower your virtue! XD

    Just stumbled across this, and it’s ridiculously wonderful. Thanks so much!

    1. admin Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it! :D

  13. Krauser-tan Avatar

    thanks for the scanlation (• ε •) XD

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!

  14. Aurora Avatar

    Thank you very much for share this! It looks so funny!
    I liked the Dr. Zoidberg’s Jesus too!
    “I help those who help themselves” hahahaha!

    Thanks again! xD

  15. Jareth Avatar

    Thanks!!!! more pleeeeease! *o*

    Are great!

  16. Scott Avatar

    Really, thanks for doing this (along with everything else)! I hope you’ll find the time to do the other volumes!

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!

      I have actually decided that I’m going to stop after vol. 1 (so one more chapter).

  17. Osric Avatar

    This manga is hilarious! Thank you so much for translating it so well, particularly seeing as, given the content, I doubt we can expect a licensed version any time soon…

    Are you really going to stop at the end of volume 1? That’d be tragic. I’ve read some other scanlations of this and, well, frankly they’re not as good. Can’t you continue it? Please?

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’m sorry. I wish I could continue to scanlate it, but it just really isn’t fun for me anymore.

      I hope some other group will pick it up and do a good job with it.

  18. […] is a useful online English translation (a “scanlation”) of early volumes done by “Megchan,” though a slight problem for English speakers here is that since written Japanese is read […]

  19. […] The first few issues of the manga are available in a scanlation at Megachan. […]

  20. flo Avatar

    THANK YOU !!!!!

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!!

  21. Jugow Avatar

    They made an excellent job, the group that continues to miss many things, I do not like (but there is) a shame that is dropping in Chapter 12, whatever, good luck!

    Greetings from Mexico

  22. Gryphon Avatar

    Holy amazing work! Thank you so much for translating this super manga into english. You have made my whole week! And, the notes you have at the start of each chapter are very helpful. I gave you a plug on my facebook page. Seriously, thank you thank you thank you!!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it. :)

  23. Linda Lam Avatar
    Linda Lam

    Ahhhhh! I love this series so much. Gotta be one of the top gag mangas in my opinion! You rock!

  24. taylynne Avatar

    Thankies for this! I love this series, and I’m rather sad no one has updated any english translations in such a long time. I have a few of the manga, but I’m not perfect with japanese, so thanks for translating and the downloads!

  25. Millo Avatar

    Megchan!!! thankyou for translating this manga!! <3
    but, will you translate the later chapter?? it sooo addictive

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’m not planning on continuing to translate this. I will translate chapter 8, which finishes off volume one, but that’s it. Hopefully someone else will pick it up.

  26. Lokavidu Avatar

    Thank you for translating this.very nice..

  27. Zeke Avatar

    So weird. So, so weird. And there’s stuff in here that makes me feel like a bad Catholic for laughing at it. And yet… it’s a lot of fun.

    But weird. SO weird.

    Thanks for translating this and particularly for the notes. I’m a translation geek myself and I always enjoy learning about context and such. I noticed there was no note for the ending of chapter 5, with the cats trying to sacrifice themselves… maybe you weren’t aware of this (I wasn’t until I googled it), but apparently there are a couple of Buddhist legends where a rabbit does the same thing. The “rabbit in the moon” seen in that part of the world was put there as a reward for its generosity.

    1. megchan Avatar

      Thanks for commenting. Yeah, it’s hard to know what to make a note of or not. Sometimes it feels like I could make a note for several things on every page, so I try to keep it reasonable. :p

  28. Kanzan Avatar

    Just wanted to add my thanks for this series. I got a lot of laughs out of the cross-culture trans-temporal shock that the two holy men experience. Even printed them out for my Dad to read.

    Much appreciation from California.

    1. megchan Avatar

      Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :)

  29. ferofax Avatar

    I’ve been getting a lot of very positive feedback on this, so I’m glad I finally found somewhere to download it from. As it stands, it’s only Volume 1 here. Any chance of getting the other volumes as well?

    Anyways, more power! And I bookmarked this already, just in case. *wink wink*

    1. megchan Avatar

      Unfortunately I am not planning to continue translating this series beyond the first volume, for various reasons. I do have the final chapter in vol. 1 almost finished and will be posting that this month, but after that, the project will officially be moved from “ongoing” to “discontinued”.

      1. ferofax Avatar

        That’s too bad, but I guess it can’t be helped. Off to find the others then!

  30. Meridith Avatar

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  31. dvnc04 Avatar

    this is so amazing! i’ve been laughing all day

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