Himegoto ch. 28

Welp, didn’t manage to get either this or Yasha out in November, but it’s only a day late and Yasha should be coming soon, too. :)

Title: Himegoto
Original Title: ヒメゴト~十九歳の制服~ (Himegoto~Juukyuu Sai no Seifuku~)
Author: Minenami Ryou
Publisher: Big Comics
Genre: Seinen
Status in Japan: 7 volumes, ongoing
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations + Krim + Kurokishi Scans
Scanlation Status: Ongoing
More Info: Baka Updates

Summary: This is the story of three college freshmen with secrets: Yuki, aka Yoshiki, a boyish girl who gets off on wearing her old high school uniform skirt; Mikako, who acts innocent around her classmates, but at night pretends to be a 15-year-old and has sex for money; and finally there’s Kaito, who’s obsessed with Mikako to the point of dressing up like her.

Chapter Summary: Yoshiki tries to find out how Mikako would feel about Kaito dressing up like her, but of course Mikako thinks Yoshiki is talking about herself…

Chapter 28: Intent

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10 responses to “Himegoto ch. 28”

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome! :)

  1. c_k Avatar

    Thanks for himegoto… Too bad not much really happened in this chapter, but still looking for more angst in the future~

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, unfortunately with the chapters so short, there are a lot of times when not really a lot happens. XD Hopefully we can eventually get back to doing two chapters a month…

      1. boo-boo Avatar

        I wish you could do 2 chaps a month again :(
        Still big thanks for the new one! <3

        1. megchan Avatar

          I wish so, too! But unfortunately it just never seems to happen… ^_^;;

  2. nooby Avatar

    Many thanks again ! You’re awesome. :3

    1. megchan Avatar

      Aww, thanks. :)

  3. Thomas Avatar

    Thank you very much for this chapter!

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!

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