Himegoto ch. 13

As of this chapter, my friend Krim is doing the typesetting, so the sfx look much nicer than what I usually do. :D

Title: Himegoto
Original Title: ヒメゴト~十九歳の制服~ (Himegoto~Juukyuu Sai no Seifuku~)
Author: Minenami Ryou
Publisher: Big Comics
Genre: Seinen
Status in Japan: 5 volumes, ongoing
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations + Krim + Kurokishi Scans
Scanlation Status: Ongoing
More Info: Baka Updates

Summary: This is the story of three college freshmen with secrets: Yuki, aka Yoshiki, a boyish girl who gets off on wearing her old high school uniform skirt; Mikako, who acts innocent around her classmates, but at night pretends to be a 15-year-old and has sex for money; and finally there’s Kaito, who’s obsessed with Mikako to the point of dressing up like her.

Chapter Summary: Yoshiki feels shocked and betrayed when Sho admits he has been hanging around Yoshiki all these years hoping they will become more than friends. Will he be able to accept that she doesn’t feel the same way?

Chapter 13: Breakup

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16 responses to “Himegoto ch. 13”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    “YES!” I said aloud when I saw this update.

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you’re excited for it! :D

  2. nooby Avatar

    Aw yeah, thanks a lot ! >w<

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome! :)

  3. gilgamesh Avatar

    Thank you so much for your hardwork! :D

    Btw, are you buying the manga? Why don’t you use the RAW in internet?

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!

      As for buying manga, I assume you’re referring to the donation link? That is for manga that I post here in general, not just this series. For some stuff I am able to find raws online but not for everything. (Then sometimes I buy it because no one is scanning it and as soon as I buy it, someone else uploads it. (This actually happened with Himegoto…) For this series, I am using raws I found online, not that I scanned myself.

  4. millo Avatar

    WHAT! This is fast! I’m so happy i think i’m gonna die!! Thankyou so much!! <3

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome!

      Yeah, hopefully it will be coming out faster again now that we have some new people working on it. :)

  5. jrdp_18 Avatar

    Yay, thank you!

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome! :D

  6. RusimRedom Avatar

    Thanks a lot for updating this series I’m reading it from when 2nd chapter was released :D
    But when I saw that none was going to update it I was really sad Q.Q
    But now I’m really happy Thanks a lot again :D

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, sorry there was such a long break! Hopefully chapters will be coming on a more regular basis now. :)

      1. LA LA Avatar
        LA LA

        What is the plan for HIMEGOTO Manga? I love love love this manga.

        1. megchan Avatar

          I have several more chapters already finished and the next one is out to the typesetter right now. We were hoping to have it posted by the end of November, but they have been having some problems that made them unable to work on it as much as planned. Hopefully this month, though!

  7. LA LA Avatar
    LA LA

    I forgot to say thank you so much for your hard work on HIMEGOTO Manga. Love love love it. :)

  8. LA LA Avatar
    LA LA

    Thanks for the fast reply. Love this manga I want more but l’ll wait. Thanks for all the hard work on this manga. Thank you so much.

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