Gunjo ch. 34

Guys, it’s finally here! Thank you for all your support and encouragement over the years and I hope you find this ending satisfying.

Title: Gunjo
Original Title: 羣青 (Gunjou)
Author: Nakamura Ching
Publisher: Ikki Comics
Category: Seinen
Genre: Yuri, Drama
Status in Japan: 3 volumes, complete
Scanlation Status: Complete
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations + Heterophobia Fansubs
More Info: Baka Updates
Read Online: MangaDex

Summary: Out of desperation, a woman asks an old high school friend to kill her abusive husband for her. The friend, having long been in love with this woman, does it, and now they are on the run from the law.

Chapter Summary: A decision is made.

Chapter 34

And as always, here’s the full volume for those who want it.

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34 responses to “Gunjo ch. 34”

  1. breizh Avatar

    Thank you very much for finishing this :) We really appreciate your efforts to see it through.
    I have mixed feelings about the ending, would have liked to see what happens next. It’s nice that she finally opened up to the blond a bit.

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, I would like to see what happens down the line for them, but I am pretty satisfied with how it ended. Honestly when I first went into this I never expected anything near a happy ending, so that was a nice surprise.

  2. jrdp_18 Avatar

    Thank you very much for finishing it!

    The end suddenly feels so short.

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, I wish it had gone on a little longer and shown more of what happened after. But it does feel like a good ending place, too.

  3. Ari Avatar

    I’ve been following this manga for 8 years, can’t believe it’s finally completely translated!
    Thank you so much for your efforts and hard-work. Gonna re-read it from the start right now!

    1. megchan Avatar

      I can’t believe it took eight years. Thanks for sticking with us!

  4. breizh Avatar

    Relatively happy ending I think but yeah I expected much worse.

    1. megchan Avatar

      I did, too, and I’m glad I was wrong. :)

  5. cYaN Avatar

    Thanks so much for your work on this manga, and for seeing it through to the end!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Hope you enjoy the ending!

  6. svines85 Avatar

    Outstanding, thanks a lot for all the effort and seeing it through until the end :)

    1. megchan Avatar

      Thanks for your support! :)

  7. Adra Avatar

    I cried. I can’t read japanese but I’m going to buy the original volumes to support the artist and just really have this touching story on my shelves. After all these years, I can’t thank you enough for translating this manga for us.

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! I wish that it could get a professional English release, but it not, I’m glad I’m able to at least expose people to something they wouldn’t otherwise be able to read. :)

  8. Joshua Avatar

    Congratulations after such an incredible effort. After like eight years as a reader, I probably don’t feel the relief that Chiyomi and Soko do, but it’s close.

    Thank you so much for seeing this through!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Thanks for sticking with us!

  9. Gaara Avatar

    On myAnimeList it shows 36 chapters?

    1. megchan Avatar

      There are a couple official doujinshi with fan stories set during their high school years, which I believe is what they are using to get 36 chapters.

      Unfortunately I tried to buy the doujinshi from the author’s website, but it’s no longer being sold. (The link to purchase is there, but it doesn’t work anymore.)

      1. Jane Avatar

        Could you a link, name, or cover? I can’t find it.

        1. megchan Avatar

          Here’s the site. There are even some sample pages.

  10. lscholar Avatar

    Thank you so much. I’ve been following this for years, and I’m deeply grateful to you for bringing it to me.

    1. megchan Avatar

      Thanks for sticking with us!

  11. Dupreeh~ Avatar

    Time to finally read this…

    1. megchan Avatar

      Hope you enjoy the ending!

  12. winter Avatar

    I can’t believe it’s finally over… I was pretty satisfied though. They finally got names, too. Thanks so much for seeing the project through to the end!!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, I’m so glad we finally got to learn their names. XD

  13. Oten Avatar

    Thank you so much for sticking with this! I have been itching to read Gunjou for years, but wanted to wait until it was completely translated. Thank you, thank you so much!

    1. megchan Avatar

      I hope you enjoy it!

  14. octal9 Avatar

    thank you so much for your dedication and excellence on gunjou! this is a manga that has deserved a full translation for too long. truly a moving emotional roller coaster that veers between heaven and hell and never gets dull. hope to see more of ching’s works brought to the english speaking public in the future – she is unjustly obscure here in the west!

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’ve looked into her other manga and there are a couple I might be interested in working on, but I haven’t decided for sure yet.

  15. aria noel Avatar
    aria noel

    It’s bitter sweet to say the least but I enjoyed every bit of it , thank your for completing it …. tears i grew so emotionally attached the manga it’s so raw and beautiful…. I love it….Thank you!!!! …. deff wished we could see a bit of what happened after (fingers crossed ) maybe but if not I can die in peace lol

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you enjoyed it! :)

      I would love to see what comes after, too, but I’m not holding my breath.

  16. FacelessGrunt Avatar

    Recently finished Gunjo, it was a gripping experience.
    In the afterword where Nakamura explains the title, you notice that the kanji for blue is the first kanji for the word youth. (did I get that right ?) Does that relate to the fact that many manga titles use the color blue ? Because I saw a bunch of those, and very few titles that uses red f.e. .

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, there are some that are just using it in the color sense, but often it is used because of the connotations of youth.

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