Title: Love’s Miracle
Original Title: 恋の奇跡 (Koi no Kiseki)
Author: Morita Yuko
Publisher: Kiss Comics
Category: Josei
Genre: Drama
Status in Japan: 8 volumes, complete
Scanlation Status: Ongoing
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations
More Info: Baka Updates
Read Online: MangaDex
Summary: Chubby and plain, Taeko’s biggest worry is whether she’ll ever have the courage to tell her crush how she feels. Then one day a mysterious cousin comes to stay and Taeko’s world is shattered. Cast out of her own home after her mother’s death, Taeko stumbles into the night and is hit by a truck. When she wakes up, she’s greeted by a doctor who promises to turn her life around. And thus begins a tale of revenge and intrigue that’s a roller coaster of cracked out soap opera fun from start to finish.
Volume 1 (2/4/21)
Volume 2 (7/2/21)
Volume 3 (4/29/22)
Volume 4 (3/22/23)
Volume 5 (1/11/24)
Ch. 21: Chains of the Past (5/10/23)
Ch. 22: Between Love and Death (7/8/23)
Ch. 23: Where Did That Smile Go? (9/20/23)
Ch. 24: Memories Never Leave (11/11/23)
Ch. 25: The Devil Within (1/11/24)
Volume 6 (11/15/24)
Ch. 26: From the Bottom of a Sea of Tears (3/17/24)
Ch. 27: I Want to Believe in That Dream (5/18/24)
Ch. 28: Something Happened That Night (7/20/24)
Ch. 29: In the Firestorm (9/16/24)
Ch. 30: The Moment Love Begins (11/15/24)