
Title: Gunjo
Original Title: 羣青 (Gunjou)
Author: Nakamura Ching
Publisher: Ikki Comics
Category: Seinen
Genre: Yuri, Drama
Status in Japan: 3 volumes, complete
Scanlation Status: Complete
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations + Heterophobia Fansubs (+ Maar & HappyScans! for ch. 11, HotCakes for ch. 12-22, and Lari for ch. 23-27; raws for ch. 11-14 provided by Kotonoha)
More Info: Baka Updates
Read Online: MangaDex

Summary: Out of desperation, a woman asks an old high school friend to kill her abusive husband for her. The friend, having long been in love with this woman, does it, and now they are on the run from the law.

Volume 1 (scanlated by Kotonoha & Megchan)
Volume 2 (4/30/16)
Volume 3 (11/4/18)


33 responses to “Gunjo”

  1. Frostmire Avatar

    Truly amazing story . Thanks for your hardwork to translate this gem

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it!

  2. Mew Avatar

    Really one of the best manga I’ve read and I damn near cry every update. Brilliant and underrated, along with the superb translation work

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it! Hopefully we’ll have a new chapter up soon.

  3. Rainy Avatar

    Thank you so much for translating this series. It is so sad, but beautiful, and haunting… I love the intensity of the art and emotions… i’m so excited to read the rest of volume 3!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it! Hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon. :)

  4. wintersleep Avatar

    What a powerful manga. Can’t thank you enough for translating it! <3

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it!

  5. Grace Avatar

    I can’t wait to read the remaining chapters!!! This is one of a kind Yuri. please update soon

    1. megchan Avatar

      After a lot of mishaps, it looks like we’re finally able to keep to a monthly schedule, so the next chapter should be out in a couple weeks. :)

  6. Breizh Avatar

    I’m so sad waiting for the new chapter :'(. I’m not complaining though, you guys are doing an amazing work :) . I’ve become spoiled after having a monthly schedule for 3 months straight, which I would never have hoped for. ^^

    1. megchan Avatar

      Sorry! The next chapter is fully translated, but Lari’s been busy and hasn’t been able to get it typeset yet. Hopefully soon!

      1. Breizh Avatar

        Don’t be sorry, you owe us nothing :). I’m very thankful for your hard work. I’ll just have to hold back my withdrawal symptoms ^^’. Thanks for the quick reply and info.

  7. Jhosy Avatar

    omg…I need of the next chapter, please update guys.
    I love this manga

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’m sorry it’s been so long. Hopefully soon!

  8. Joshua Avatar

    Please don’t let this effort die!

    1. megchan Avatar

      I’m so sorry it’s been so long. I am currently trying to find another cleaner/typesetter since the last one disappeared on me a few months ago. Believe me, I don’t want to let this die! We’re only a few chapters from the end and I have already translated some of them, so it’s just a matter of finding someone to work on it.

      1. Breizh Avatar

        Too bad, I hope you find someone soon. :) Thanks for your hard work on this series anyway.

        1. megchan Avatar

          It looks like the group who’s working on Love Buzz with me will be able to help out. The next chapter has already been translated for months, so hopefully if they can get it cleaned and typeset we can have it out sometime in the next few weeks.

        2. Jhosy Avatar

          Yaaay! Thank you ♥

  9. Somebody that you used to know Avatar
    Somebody that you used to know

    Thank you for your hardwork..

    “I’ll wait. No matter how long it takes.”

    1. megchan Avatar

      Thank you for your patience! We’re getting so close to the end, so hopefully this will be the last of the problems. *crosses fingers*

      1. Breizh Avatar

        *crosses fingers along with you*

  10. AnonGirl Avatar

    Thank you for your wonderful work!
    I can’t wait to read this final!
    Thank you again

    1. megchan Avatar

      The final chapter is translated and in the process of typesetting so hopefully we can have it done soon!

  11. Maute50 Avatar

    Thank you very much for all your hard work to complete, I’m really happy to read!!

    1. megchan Avatar

      I hope you enjoy the ending!

  12. L7_K Avatar

    Thank you so much for the hard work! I love this unique manga and have purchased the complete set but as I don’t read Japanese, it’s just to support the artist and have something tangible to own. This scanlation project bridges that language barrier to complete my connection to the story.

    1. megchan Avatar

      That makes me so happy to hear! There’s so many great series out there that will never be officially available in English, so I’m glad I can make them accessible for people.

  13. iris Avatar

    I really love this manga. Thanks for the translation!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Glad you liked it. :)

  14. kayla Avatar

    Just finished the first volume and I’m excited to read the rest. Thanks for translating this one! Your hard work is appreciated!

    1. megchan Avatar

      Hope you enjoy it!

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