All raws on this page were scanned by me. These are not manga I plan on scanlating myself, but rather stuff I enjoy that I have not found raw copies of online. Feel free to redistribute and to use for scanlations.
An asterisk by the volume number means there is a detailed summary in my summaries section.
Title: 3月の第2ボタン (3 Gatsu no Dai 2 Button)
Author: Mizusawa Megumi
Publisher: Ribon Mascot Comics
Genre: Shoujo
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 1
Title: 7 Seeds
Author: Tamura Yumi
Publisher: Flower Comics Alpha
Genre: Shoujo
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 17*, Volume 19*
Title: 青空エール (Aozora Yell)
Author: Kawahara Kazune
Publisher: Margaret Comics
Genre: Shoujo
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 9, Volume 10
Title: Cappuccino
Author: Yoshizumi Wataru
Publisher: Queen’s Comics
Genre: Josei
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 1
Title: Clover
Author: Chiya Toriko
Publisher: Margaret Chorus
Genre: Josei
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 22*, Volume 23*
Title: 神様のオルゴール (Kamisama no Orgel)
Author: Mizusawa Megumi
Publisher: Margaret Comics
Genre: Shoujo
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Title: っポイ! (Ppoi!)
Author: Yamazaki Takako
Publisher: Hana to Yume Comics
Genre: Shoujo
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 26, Volume 27, Volume 28
Title: テガミバチ (Tegami Bachi)
Author: Asada Hiroyuki
Publisher: Jump Comics
Genre: Shounen
Info: Baka Updates
Downloads: Volume 11, Volume 12
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