Title: You Will Hear the Voice of the Dead
Original Title: 死人の声をきくがよい (Shibito no Koe wo Kiku ga Yoi)
Author: Hiyodori Sachiko (Uguisu Sachiko)
Publisher: Champion Red Comics
Category: Shounen
Genre: Horror, Humor
Status in Japan: 11 volumes, ongoing
Scanlation Status: Ongoing
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations feat. Nostal
More Info: Baka Updates
Read Online: MangaDex
Summary: Sickly Kishida Jun has the ability to see ghosts, but in his opinion, it’s a stupid power and nothing good ever comes of it. Considering the number of grisly situations he seems to find himself in after the ghost of his childhood friend Hayakawa Ryoko starts following him around, he may have a point.
Chapter Summary: In chapter 50, Kishida has a run-in with a familiar antagonist. In chapter 51, one of Kishida’s neighbors claims Kishida is possessed by an evil spirit. Could it be that Hayakawa-san is not as benign as she seems…?
Chapter 50: The Wild Night of the Gods
Chapter 51: The Ghost Nextdoor
This also marks the end of yet another volume, so here’s a full volume download for those who want it.
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