Himegoto ch. 37-38

Does anyone have any tips on cleaning bad quality scans? Audrey has finished cleaning up through vol. 5, but the only raws we can find of vols. 6 and 7 are terrible quality. I’d rather not have to buy the books and scan them myself, so we’re hoping to find a way to salvage these scans.

Title: Himegoto
Original Title: ヒメゴト~十九歳の制服~ (Himegoto~Juukyuu Sai no Seifuku~)
Author: Minenami Ryou
Publisher: Big Comics
Genre: Seinen
Status in Japan: 8 volumes, complete
Scanlator: Megchan’s Scanlations feat. Audrey + Krim
Scanlation Status: Ongoing
More Info: Baka Updates

Summary: This is the story of three college freshmen with secrets: Yuki, aka Yoshiki, a boyish girl who gets off on wearing her old high school uniform skirt; Mikako, who acts innocent around her classmates, but at night pretends to be a 15-year-old and has sex for money; and finally there’s Kaito, who’s obsessed with Mikako to the point of dressing up like her.

Chapter Summary: Since the day they got caught out in the rain, Mikako has been holed up in a love hotel seeing client after client.

Chapter 37: Dead End
Chapter 38: Another World

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18 responses to “Himegoto ch. 37-38”

  1. LuluHime Avatar

    Thank you very much for the double release :3
    I don’t know anything about redrawing, but i hope you will find a convenient way~

    1. megchan Avatar

      I hope so, too… The raws are readable, but not very good quality to work with in terms of editing… :-/

  2. Leo~ Avatar

    Thank you very much, i was expecting more chapters!! :3

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome! Sorry it’s only two this month, but work has been really busy for me…

  3. jrdp_18 Avatar

    Thank you!

    1. megchan Avatar

      You’re welcome! :)

  4. anon Avatar

    Thank you as always!,I hope you can find a way to salvage those scans :/

    1. megchan Avatar

      Well, I had someone email me a bit ago and offer to scan the vols for us, so I’m hoping that will work out. It might actually be less work than trying to salvage the scans we have… D:

      1. anon Avatar

        Sounds so much better :´D,good luck!

  5. nooby Avatar

    Thanks for those chapters ! Sometimes, you can find good scans on weird chinese or japanese websites (I found some Pokemon scans once), but I don’t know. I hope you’ll find a way out. :/
    Thanks again for your hard work !

    1. megchan Avatar

      Yeah, I’ve looked around, but this series isn’t very popular, so it seems like there’s only that one raw version out there. :-/ Not like more popular stuff where everyone wants to be the one to scan it so there are a dozen versions floating around… *sigh*

      Well, someone offered to buy and scan the manga for us, so I’m hoping that will work out! At least it’s a ways off.

  6. teriguu Avatar

    Seems like there’s a HQ version of vol 6 on perfect dark. I’m downloading it right now. Emailing you if it’s good. No signs of vol 7 yet though. Oh there’s vol 2 of Oboreru Hanabi as well here ;D

    1. megchan Avatar

      Oh cool, thanks! What is perfect dark, btw? Googling only gets me stuff about the video game by that name.

      1. teriguu Avatar

        It wasnt any good. Probably the one you have, seems like photographed or something… Perfect Dark is a japanese file sharing network, I’ve had it for a few days but it doesnt seems like you can really find anything special there when it comes to manga raws, it gots lots of other stuff though so it’s worth checking.


        1. megchan Avatar

          Cool, thanks. I’ll have to try it out.

          I generally get my raws from various websites, but I’m always looking for new places to try in case they have something different.

          And yeah, I hadn’t thought of it being photographed, but maybe that’s it. I couldn’t figure out why it was so dark that it looked like magazine scans, but if it was a photo rather than a scan that would explain it.

        2. teriguu Avatar

          I found both dvd’s of ピタゴラスイッチ on Perfect Dark. My geek of a two year old son will totally love that ;D Unfortunately I couldnt find any music by Obata Miki, or Koshiji Fubuki, so the japanese vintage music crowd share their files elsewhere…

  7. Hashbrowns Avatar

    Did you ever get the better quality scans?

    1. megchan Avatar

      The person who volunteered to rescan has started scanning and we’ve seen samples. :D

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